Patient Profile


Nearsightedness, or myopia, as it is medically termed, is a vision condition in which people can see close objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred.

Myopia is a leading cause of preventable visual impairment in developed countries among adults and children and the most common cause of treatable blindness developing countries. The estimated global prevalence of myopia is found to be 30.47%. It is anticipated that the global incidence of myopia will exceed 740 million cases by 2050

Myopia (Nearsightedness) Symptoms

Fill your answer box according to the problems that you have faced. Have you experienced any symptom written here:

No. Questions Never (0) Rarely (1) Sometimes (2) Often (3) Always (4)
1 Do your eyes feel tired?
2 Do you experience a burning sensation in your eyes?
3 Do your eyes feel dry?
4 Do you experience tearing ( watery eyes )?
5 Do you feel pain in your eyes ?
6 Do you feel a puling sensation around your eyes?
7 Do your eyes feel heavy?
8 Do you experience blurry vision when looking or reading at a screen?
9 Do you experience blurry vision when looking at distance?
10 Do you feel that your vision fluctuates ( sharpness changes )?
11 Do you feel dizzy or experience balance issue after reading or screen time?
12 Do you have trouble focusing or maintaining focus while reading or working?
13 Do you experience double vision?
14 Do you have headache after prolonged visual work?
15 Do you experience neck, shoulder or back pain after working visually?
16 Do you feel your eyes are sensitive to light?
17 Do you have difficulty keeping your eyes open?
18 Do you feel your eyes are sensitive to light?
19 Do you squeeze your eyes while watching distance objects?
20 Do your spectacles help to see things clearly?

Myopia (Nearsightedness) Riskfactors

Fill your answer box according to the problems that you have faced. Have you experienced any risk factors written here:

No. Risk factor Yes No


Uncorrected refractive error


Screen time


Poor lightning


Excessive near work


Lack of outdoor activities


Family history

